Friday, January 18, 2013

ET SI C’ETAIT VOUS -An Echo from Syria.

Imagine you are in some sort of interview or examination, and someone ask you this question “who is Killing Syrians?”, and if you are one of those who prefer objectives, let’s say you were giving the following options (a) Assad (b) Syrian Rebels (c) Countries who have failed to help (d) All of the Above, would you choose any of the four options.

I know a man called Kofi Annan, he is from Ghana, He was sent as UN Envoy to Syria and He resigned his appointment. Let me put it this way, I think he just decided not to waste his time. I heard a TV interview of him recently, and I think I can remember vividly a word he used pertaining to the circumstances that caused him to tender his resignation, that word was “Lip-Service”. I’ll come back to Kofi Annan later.
Back to our imaginary test, what if question number two says “Why is the world watching Syria for almost 2years now with about 60,000 civilian casualties according to UN figures?; Options (a) Because they are waiting for America or NATO (b) Because they were unaware of the Situation on ground in Syria (c) Because they are afraid of the likes of Russian and Iran (d) None of the Above. What option are you likely to tick.
ET SI C’ETAIT VOUS in English literally means AND IF IT WAS YOU, if it was South Africa or this Civil war was in Gambia or Mexico or Malaysia or just randomly name countries, would this type of crisis in Syria have continued for these long. Would Mr. Kofi Annan have resigned his job? One of the lessons a Syrian child today would have been told by now by his parent is to watch the type of friends you keep. Some friends, especially the talkative ones usually do not care, and not only will they not help; they always hinder those who can help.
 Ladies and Gentlemen, Do you know that although the scenario in Mali is a little different, Neither the Taureg Rebels in Mali nor Government forces have destroyed up to one-tenth the Lives or properties destroyed in Syria during battles, before France acted rather promptly deciding to send in her troops and influenced West African countries like Nigeria to immediately follow suit. According to the speech made by French President, Francois Hollande in defense of the troops deployment, He said the decision was taken so that Mali does not become a Terrorist haven. My final question is, Are there not reports of larger numbers of Terrorist labeled groups fighting in Syria alongside the free Syrian army, if yes? Why has the UN or EU restrained from Syria.
You should tune in to stations like Press TV (Iran), RT (Russia Today) and CCTV News (China) then endeavour to instruct your satellite or cable or browse Youtube or  whatever to show you Aljazeera, CNN or BBC. Compare what you see; this is something I have tried, Carefully Observe the diverse perspectives and discrepancies in how each reports the crisis in Syria; I bet you, Most of your questions about the prolonged crisis in Syria will be answered within few hours.
It’s no news that we live in a diversified world, however I have long discovered how funny a world we live, if you don’t have a mind of your own, a liberal mind, then you are only a tool in the hands of someone else. I hope a time will come when political differences, religious differences, ethnic differences and legalism will not be given as excuse for unwarranted loss of lives. Can anyone hear the screams of thousands in aleppo, homs and Idlib? The everyday mass killing in syria has to stop.

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